Custom Protection for your Business

Protection and Content Filtering.

“It’s Like a Shield of Protection for Your Entire Business.”

Traditionally, preventing malware and botnet attacks can be costly and labor intensive – requiring expensive hardware appliances deployed on site. With Canitan Cyber-Shield, this is a thing of the past. By using Canitan Cyber-Shield as your recursive DNS provider, we enable you to seamlessly add malware/threat detection and prevention capabilities in minutes.

Canitan Cyber-Shield uses dozens of data sources and global cloud threat intelligence in order to provide up to the minute data and prevention of threats on your network – even allowing you to deny further CnC (command and control) call backs when an infected device is introduced into your network.

Canitan Cyber-Shield uses dozens of data sources and global cloud threat intelligence in order to provide up to the minute data and prevention of threats on your network – even allowing you to deny further CnC (command and control) call backs when an infected device is introduced into your network.

Traditionally, preventing malware and botnet attacks can be costly and labor intensive – requiring expensive hardware appliances deployed on site. With Canitan Cyber-Shield, this is a thing of the past. By using Canitan Cyber-Shield as your recursive DNS provider, we enable you to seamlessly add malware/threat detection and prevention capabilities in minutes.

Restrict Access

The Internet is a cornerstone tool for every business, but can also reduce productivity. Not all employees are wasting time, but Canitan Cyber-Shield allows you to remove the temptation by allowing you to block access to certain domains or high bandwidth activities such as social media, gaming or steaming music sites.

Manage Bandwidth

By implementing Canitan Cyber-Shield on your network, you can control which categories or domains your users can access. This level of control allows you to block bandwidth intensive sites such as streaming media, peer to peer, file sharing or even access to copy written content. In addition to protecting network devices and users, Canitan Cyber-Shield allows you to free up valuable bandwidth to keep your business operating at lightning speed.

Infinitely Scalable

Canitan Cyber-Shield is able to secure and filter many thousands of devices instantly via a deployment process that takes less than five minutes. Thanks to our extensive global anycast network, there are no site specific settings to be concerned with – simply apply our DNS resolvers at all of your locations and you’re done!

100% Uptime. Guaranteed.

Canitan Cyber-Shield’s massive global anycast network has the most global advertised peers in the industry. No need to worry about your projected headcount five years from now, your estimated network usage during peak hours, or that new satellite office you’re opening up in Japan. We’ve got you covered no matter what the present or future holds.

What does this mean for my business?

We’ve engineered an intelligent, global anycast network with over two dozen points of presence across the globe. This allows us to automatically scale, heal, and route your requests to the most responsive location, guaranteeing 100% uptime. 

Off Network Protection

If your users require roaming, off network protection follows them all over the globe, Canitan Cyber-Shield offers an extremely lightweight client that you can install on your user’s devices. Our easy to use client is able to be installed either manually or via MDM and does not require a VPN connection. Once installed, it allows for security and filtering policies to be enforced no matter what network you’re connected to.

Whether at an office, hotel or on the road, the Canitan Cyber-Shield client allows granular policy enforcement and reporting down to the device level.

* Currently Windows only – more OS support coming soon.

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